Wednesday, November 19, 2014

First impressions of Dragon Age: Inquisition--2 hours in

Bioware and EA has done Dragon Age again! So what do I think about that?! Having only played 3 hours of the game and it has me hooked already! There is a lot of different classes to choose from but I chose the duel wilding warrior and then your story begins. Its story starts off where your created character has things crawling towards him and a ghostly figure appears and says let me help you.  Then green stuff starts coming out from your hand, then the next thing you know, your captured and in shackles and your getting accused of opening the rift because green goo was flowing out your hand. Your main character goes on quests to shut down the rift. During my 2 hours of gameplay, the world was lush with activities to do like there is side quests to do along with playing the main quests. You get experience to build up your abilities like any good RPG does. This game is addicting and I want to play it more.